Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I love SWEETS!

The girls and I got to do a fun kitchen photo shoot for Day Spring Dresses darling aprons. We threw some Matilda Jane aprons on for a couple of shots too. We were making our favorite chocolate chip cookies, that we make weekly. Its my favorite recipe. They truly do taste like bakery style chocolate chip cookies. So soft and gooey. We love to make a big batch, hand some out to neighbors and friends, eat 1 or 4 ... then freeze the rest. The reason I throw them in the freezer, is because they keep their "same day as baked" taste. You know how the day after you make cookies they taste different? well not when you freeze them. So whenever I am craving something sweet, I pull one out of the freezer. Oh and they taste amazing frozen. It's the weirdest thing. I also love to pull them out of the freezer and make home made ice cream sandwiches, then line the middle part with mini chocolate chips. The perfect treat. 

I always double it... so here it goes doubled.
3 cubes batter melted.
2 cups sugar
2 cups brown sugar
mix together.
Then add: 
2 eggs and 4 egg yolks
2 tbls vanilla
mix that.
then add:
4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
okay  after all that is mixed- add 5 cups chocolate chips. 
bake at 350 for 10 minutes
If you do large like I do, bake 12 min. 

 Of course the girls get one with milk. Its their favorite treat.

Okay here is a way to really spice up a plain old brownie mix. I LOVE making brownies like this. And when you take them some where so does everyone else!
I call them "Triple layer" to be fancy :)
So take any boxed or homemade brownie mix. When there is about 3 minutes left of baking, throw some marshmallows on top, and let them just toast... about 3 minutes.
 Over the stove melt 2 tbl butter, 2 cups chocolate chips and 1 cup peanut butter.When that is all melted, add 1 1/2 cups rice krispies. 
 Stir and pour over the marshmallows. 
 Let it set in the fridge 2-3 hours. IT IS so YUMMY! Now go try it! 


  1. I am most definitely doing the brownies! I have already done the cookies and they were great. Love your blog! Keep it up!

    1. Tanks Jennifer!! Still learning the ropes! Hope you Love the brownies!!

  2. I remember having those brownies at your house in Gilbert years ago...They were life changing!

    1. Yes Robyn!! They are still my go to!! Everytime!

  3. this may be a silly question- but what are
    of batter? i want to make these!😊
