Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Brooklyn and Abigails FROZEN {Sisters Forever} Birthday party.

Well If you know me, you know I LOVE to throw a party. Its so fun for me to have lots of little people or even big people over and to Entertain. Its ok- let the house get totally crazy and messy and loud for an hour or two.. It WILL get cleaned again. This time is was about 15 girls, As my Abigail turned 3, and my Brooklyn turned 5 . They are exactly 2 weeks apart in the month of July. 


 The party started in the morning which I love to do, especially for small kids like this party, they aren't cranky, and a meal doesn't need to be served. We started at 9:30 and went until 11:30. We had cupcakes and it was perfect.

Party favors . Each girl got to pick out a Sprinklings necklace of course to take home. They go to wear it at the party as well. 

 My friend Ashley is an Excellent party coordinator and came and helped the entire time. She had tons of crafts for the kids to do, She was a life saver.

I also had a professional Face painter come in, she was absolutely amazing, and probably the high light of the party. The kids ooohh and awed, and watched each girl get dulled up. 


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Baby Girl #5

Well you gotta start somewhere, right? So here it goes. I am starting with my baby #5 First Birthday. When I was pregnant with Kambree, we didn't find out what we were having {the same with the 2 girls before}. We were convinced she was a boy. I mean, 4 girls.. we were bound to have a BOY at some point.. and we thought Kambree was it! So do you think we talked about girl names? NOPE! Only had a boy name, all ready to go. So when little GIRL #5 came out- we had to think.. and think hard. 24 hours later we had a name, and I will say- it was all my husbands idea. he said to me {as I was all drugged up after having a baby.. what if we made up a name with all the other girls first initial? I told him he was so crazy and to please GET REAL! I was a little frusterated, because all the names I picked he shut down! So all of a sudden he said "What about Kambree?" 
K- kynzlee
A- Abigail
M- Macee
B- Brooklyn...
Well I didn't tell him right away... but I LOVED IT. {I couldn't let him have that glory right away :)}
So Kambree Jill it was. in case this is our last girl we used my name as her middle name.

 We had just moved into the house 18 days before this. So it was a very low key family only little party for our Sweet Kambree Girl. 

We are so blessed with 5 little Princesses. They make our life so happy. Maybe one day we will get a little prince to add to the bunch, but for now, we will enjoy lots of squealing, crying. hair doing, nails painting and all things pink.