Monday, March 2, 2015

Favorite Costco Picks

Costco is a once a week trip for us {Sometimes twice} My girls know how to clean house. They love to eat! Which is why I am very cautious about what I purchase. They will eat anything! Sea weed is their favorite snack.. which I forgot to get a picture of ... but that is like a treat for them! and i am not worried about it! It actually is extremely good for you, and very low in calories. 

My girls Love these danimal drinks.. I know they are not the healthiest.. But I love to have them on hand. They are so easy to grab and go when were in a hurry

 I rarely let my kids eat chips... infact the girls get chips once a week in their lunch.. On fridays! Its definitely a treat. But these snapped crisps are a great alternative.... so they get their "Salty fix"

 I love these Organic Soft baked squares. They are tasty, and low in sugar, and my girls love them in the go in the morning before school. I usually complement it with a protein shake. My girls call them cookies! 

These fig bars are somewhat new. They come in a pack of two. so when I make lunches, I open up 2, and they each get a square in their lunch. They think this is also their "treat". They are 100% whole wheat, and 100 calories per square. they are packed, and so good.

 These are also a great alternative than chips. my girls loves these. They are organic, and light

 So were kind of a cheese family. I swear every time I walk out of costco I have 5 different types of cheese in my cart. This lake country cheese, laughing cow cheese, string cheese, feta cheese (I love putting on my salads) and shredded cheese for baking. So this lake country cheese... we make something in our family that we made up called a "cheese cupcake". We slice this cheese.. in a 1 ounce square. Put in a small dish, and microwave for 45 seconds. We then drain all the oil, then eat it. Sounds SO weird and crazy, but its seriously amazing, and healthy! The girls LOVE it!

 We eat eggs ALOT. They are so high in protein. So when the girls want eggs for breakfast.. I do 1 egg, and 1/4 cup eggs whites per girl.. with a little cheese. Its so much better than 2-3 eggs, and so much healthier. It makes a lot too. The girls love it on toast, or with salsa! (I told you my girls will eat anything)

 So this laughing cow cheese is a favorite of ours , and we get creative with it! we dip bell peppers, sliced apples , and thin pretzels. I pack it in the girls lunches all the time. Only 35 calories per slice.

 My girls love trail mix, and they eat ALL of it! Not just the m&m's :). This is a great filler and high in protein. I don't do this everyday in their lunches, but a coupe times a week :)

 Do we do grilled chicken and fish ALOT. But every once in a while, we do this orange chicken. It is so yummy, and 1 bag feeds our entire family. The box comes with 2 bags. So we get 2 meals out of it. I do put brown rice and broccoli with it as well as fillers :). I LOVE this organic brown rice.. not just the taste, but its SO easy! and so moist! you just pop it in the microwave for 1.30 seconds. The girls eat it up!

 I always buy 2-3 bunches of bananas. Well 1- because the are SO cheap! and at night when the girls are hungry I say "Grab a banana!" But I also un wrap at last half... half them ... and freeze them. I can't have a protein shake without frozen banana. It makes the consistency PERFECT!

 I HAVE to have tomatoes on my salad. I eat a salad at least one meal.. sometimes 2... Which is why I lOVE summer, because home grown tomatoes from the garden are my absolute favorite. But when its not summer, I buy these. They are the closest thing to home grown I have found :)

And last... I am a sucker for dried cherries and chocolate! SO this totally satisfies my sweet tooth! I love the mix of almonds, cashews, dried cherries and chocolate! there isn't 1 thing in here that I "Pick out" if you know what i mean :)